3. ConPresso Installation Routine

After you have made sure that the requirements listed in Section 1, “System Requirements” are met and have performed the actions required in Section 2, “Before You Install”, you can begin to install ConPresso.

In order to start the ConPresso installation routine, please call up the following page in your internet browser: http://www.example.com/conpresso/_setup/index.php

In the view you will see then, you can configure the settings described in Section 3.1, “Welcome”.

3.1. Welcome

After you have performed the actions required in Section 2, “Before You Install” you have called up the URL named in Section 3, “ConPresso Installation Routine” so that you now see the view “Welcome”.

Once you have configured the settings in this view, you can proceed with the next step that is described in Section 3.2, “Step 1/3 - Check of Requirements”.

In the view “Welcome” you can choose the installation language and you will receive some basic information on each step of the installation.

Please confirm your acceptance of the license agreement as stated in Chapter 4, Information on the ConPresso Licenses and start the installation by clicking the button “Start installation”.


Please choose the installation language and confirm your choice by clicking the button “choose”.

The language you have chosen will also be the system language of ConPresso. After the installation, however, you can change the language in ConPresso's system settings at anytime.

In addition to that, ConPresso will provide default article templates and articles in the language you have chosen.

3.2. Step 1/3 - Check of Requirements

After you have started the installation as described in Section 3.1, “Welcome”, step 1 of your ConPresso installation will check your server environment to ensure that it complies with ConPresso's requirements before you proceed and configure some central settings that are described in Section 3.3, “Step 2/3 - Settings”. Furthermore, the system will perform checks on all the files that you have transmitted, so that you will be informed about potential problems at this stage already.

Should one of these checks come up with a result that is not positive, the system will suggest a solution to the problem, if possible.


ConPresso's requirements are compliant with the standard system configurations of most webspace providers. Nevertheless, if you encounter any problems please contact your provider. Usually the provider will configure your webspace according to your wishes.

Step 1 also includes the opportunity to generate a test email to check if your system is able to transmit emails.

Send email

Please enter your email address into the field “Send email to” and click the button “Send test email”. If your server supports this mail function, this email should arrive in your inbox within seconds.

If no problems were detected, please click the button “Continue” and perform the actions described in Section 3.3, “Step 2/3 - Settings”.

3.3. Step 2/3 - Settings

After the procedure described in Section 3.2, “Step 1/3 - Check of Requirements”, step 2 of your ConPresso installation will require some information on your database server as well as the configuration of ConPresso's central system settings, before you proceed to Section 3.4, “Step 3/3 - Finished”. These data are essential for the installation. If you do not have the access information to your database, please contact the server administrator or your provider.

Database Server

Please enter the name of the server on which your MySQL database is located. Usually the database server is named "localhost". In that case, the web and the database server run on the same physical computer. If you have to something else, your provider will inform you about that.

Database Name

Please enter the name of the database assigned to you.

Database Login

Please enter the login or username of your access to your MySQL database.

Database Password

Please enter the password of your access to your MySQL database.

Table Prefix

By using the table prefix you can run several ConPresso projects in just one database. When you create database tables, each ConPresso table will be prefixed. Thus you cannot only operate several ConPresso installations in one database but you can also easily see which tables belong to ConPresso or to which ConPresso project.

The prefix suggested during installation is "cpo4". You can change this prefix however you like, please bear in mind, though, that the database only allows letters ("a" to "z"), numbers ("0" to "9") and the underscore character ('_').

If you intend to run several ConPresso installations in one database, please make sure that you do not use the same prefix for two or each of them. In that case ConPresso will cancel the installation procedure to avoid the loss of existing data.

Name of Project

Please enter the name of the project. You are free to enter any name you like. The project name enables the unambiguous identification of a ConPresso project, which is relevant if you run several installations of ConPresso and content editors have to be able to discern them.

The project name will be displayed on the login-page, for example.

Administrator Login

Please enter the username for the ConPresso administrator. You can freely choose this username.

Administrator Password

Please enter the password for the administrator. To avoid typing errors and to ensure that the administrator can actually login into ConPresso, you have to confirm your entry by typing the password again into the field “Passwort Check”.

Administrator Email

Please enter the email address for the administrator's user account.

System Email

This email address will be the sending address of emails generated by ConPresso. The obvious choice would be an email address like or the administrator's email address.

Base URL

Please check the base URL already provided by the system.

ConPresso uses the base URL to generate links to rubrics, images and the like. It is therefore essential that this setting is correct.

ConPresso tries to find out the base URL automatically. The address detected by ConPresso is displayed in the text below the field. If you want to use this address, just leave the field empty or enter "auto".

Please click the button “Step 3”, to check and save the settings and to continue with Section 3.4, “Step 3/3 - Finished”.

The database configuration file can be generated. If ConPresso has write permissions on the directory conpresso/_cfg, this file is generated automatically. If ConPresso does not have write permissions, the installation routine will provide information about the data this file needs to contain, so that you can create it yourself.


If you create this file manually, please be sure not to use blank spaces or empty lines before "<?php" or after "?>"!

3.4. Step 3/3 - Finished

After you have configured the settings as described in Section 3.3, “Step 2/3 - Settings” you can proceed with this last step which will create the database tables required and fill them with initial values. When this has been done successfully the installation is completed without you having to do anything.

For security reasons you should delete the directory conpresso/_setup after installing to prevent improper access to the setup function by unauthorized users. Alternatively, you can withdraw all permissions on the directory, so that it cannot be accessed via a web browser.

You can access the ConPresso backend login by clicking on the link “Open ConPresso in a new window” where you can login with the data of the administrator account you have created previously. Alternatively you can call up the login page by typing the following address into your web browser: http://www.example.com/conpresso/_admin/index.php

As a rule, the first user account created during the installation has administrator rights (Level 4) so that you can access every function of ConPresso and configure all settings.


You will find additional information about installing ConPresso in Section 4, “Information on PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin”, Section 6, “Uninstall ConPresso” and Section 5, “Information on Installing ConPresso under Windows”.

If you do not need this additional information you, as the administrator, can proceed with Chapter 15, Customize ConPresso. This section focuses on how to integrate the graphical appearance of your project into ConPresso, for instance.